Slime Rancher Fanon Wikia

This is a very dangerous game mechanic, for it can cripple your slimes and also cripple you. Because it might bombard new or inexperienced players, there are different difficulty levels that can be changed at any time.

Notice: This page is free edit. However, there are a few rules: first off, you cannot say that a canon injury (like radiation damage) is suddenly extremely crippling, you must instead make it a variant of that injury. Second, you cannot say that a slime is hurt by another slime's passive abilities (like said radiation), you must make a variation that is harmful. Third, you must state the difficulty that an injury appears in, or difficulty-related variants.



This is almost canon. Slimes can only get hurt by vital stats (Hunger, Thirst, and Temperature), or by the rare illness epidemic (note: illness frequency is not affected by difficulty). In addition, you do not get injured at all. Fighting-related injures are replaced by knock-outs and hinderances, and a slime can only kill another if there is a predator-prey relationship.


While slimes can be hurt by injuries not related to vital stats, and you can get injured, there is nothing that is outright deadly to a slime unless it's predation or a vital stat, and no injury that you can get lasts for more than three days.


Your slimes can be killed by anything that is a serious enough injury. You can get crippled for up to two weeks by an injury.

Slime Injuries[]

Example Injury[]

Just add most of your information in a description here. How is it caused? What are the ill effects? Is it deadly, and can a slime recover? If there are multiple variants to an injury, then only describe the basics, instead making a chart:

Variant Minimum Difficulty Cause Effects Recovery
Variant Name What is the difficulty? How is it caused? Can it be prevented? What happens when a slime gets this injury? Is it fatal? Can a slime recover from it? If so, how?
More Serious Variant Maybe the harder variant should have a higher difficulty. Maybe these variants are a second stage? Or they are a replacement for an easier difficulty? Please, put different stages as a seperate variant. Ideally, if there are stages, then a slime should not be able to die from the first stage, but it's not a hard and fast rule. Maybe, a non-lethal injury can become lethal in the more severe version.


This is an injury that is caused by wind chill in cold weather near slimes with extremities, like tabbies, hunters, and phosphors, although it's not a given that it happens, and it might not happen in all of the extremities at once. It can happen in any difficulty, as temperature is a vital stat. Frostbite causes a slime's extremities to turn deep purple or deep blue, and the slime is crippled until the frostbite wears away -they are in pain, and as such, they have less energy, and winged slimes can't fly because of their injury, even if only one wing is affected. If it goes on for more than a day, then affected areas will turn to dust, leaving you with a wingless phosphor or a tabby missing a tail or an ear. This is permanent. You can treat frostbite before that happens by having affected slimes put in hot springs, and by reducing exposure to the wind.

Rancher Injuries[]

Example Injury[]

Put most of your information here. What is the difficulty? How is it caused? What are the effects? How long does it last? If you have multiple variants, then please just describe the basics, making a chart instead:

Variant Minimum Difficulty Cause Effect Duration
Variant Name Is it medium or hard? Remember, you can't get injured in easy. How is it caused, and how is it prevented? What crippling effects do you have from taking this injury? You cannot be killed by any injury. How long does it last? Remember, injuries can last up to three days in medium and two weeks in hardmode.
More Serious Variant This may or may not have a higher difficulty. Is it a second stage, or a replacement? The effects of this are probably more serious. These variants should last longer.


Concussions are usually caused by blows to the head and can cause confusion and mild memory loss.

Variant Minimum


Cause Effect Duration
Confusion Medium Head injury 27%


The effect is random.

More than one effect

can take place at the same time.


Looks like your in a fog

Ringing sound

Skip ahead for duration, you do random stuff in said duration.

Can't control movement

Can't control vacpack

Random from 30 min. (in-game) to 4 in-game hours.
After-effects Hard Confusion

Stage 2

34% chance

Volume +


Can't sleep

4 hours - 6 days

Cardiac arrest[]

Cardiac arrest is caused by being electrocuted with a 0.1% chance. The chance goes up to 25% if you pirate the game. When a cardiac arrest starts, Beatrix Lebeau faints. Cardiac arrest only happens on hard. You can be saved on the spot if a nearby slime that can electrocute you, for whatever reason, knows how to save you and is friendly enough to save you. In that case, you regain 10 hp and get up as if you never got knocked out.
