Slime Rancher Fanon Wikia

Extra Modes are... well... extra modes... These modes are accessible through the Main Menu. Feel free to add your own!


No boss fights, gold tarrs or killer slimes.

 New Game (More Data)[]



No HP loss, Infinite energy, Largos won't go for plorts.


The regular game we all know and love.


Energy drains faster, Largos will eat any plort close to them, Tarrs eat faster.


Locked on hard with no healing, and it's game over when you faint!


DLCs are equip-able from the main menu.

Story Packs[]

Story Packs mainly consist of (you guessed it.) stories, they may include extra content, but other than that, their main new additions are for the story included in the pack.

Extra Options[]


All the recipes you have unlocked (Cookyven, Chef's Stand) are here.


All slimes are a rock slime or one of is variants.

Ionic's Challenge[]

All of Ionic's Slimes are modified in some way to make it harder!

Crossaint's Tweaks[]

Simple tweaks are added to the game, along with turning the world to certain preset options. For more info, go to This Page

Impossible Mode[]

REDACTED slimes shooting ruby slime blood moon lasers riding golden tarr appear every 5 seconds


Yami Mission[]

A mission to calm the rage of the Yami Slimes! More details found here.

 Tarr Defense (By Raxel920)[]

Defend the Slimes from the hungry Tarr! Build and upgrade turrets to stop the horde!


You are in a small walled-off area with a Dry Reef aesthetic with a water pool, a group of Slimes, a gap in the wall and a couple of gadget spots. The slimes are in a small rocky enclosure with low walls and will not try to leave it. Your Vac-Pack comes auto-equipped with a water tank. There is a large green button on a wall that says "Start Wave". When you press it, a couple of Tarr will come in through the gap. The amount of Tarr that come with each wave increase in each wave. You lose if all the Slimes are eaten. Every 5 waves, a new opening appears in the wall, with a loud crash. Tarrs will also come through new openings. You get 25 Newbucks when you defeat a Tarr. you have an infinite supply of Hydro Turrets, but it costs 250 NB to build one. You can also upgrade your Turrets. There are 25 waves in the game. Some Tarr are different colors than the others, and these have more health than normal Tarrs (blue Tarrs have more HP than black Tarrs, red Tarrs have more than blue). Tarrs are slower in this Minigame than normal and don't jump (except for jumping into the slimes' enclosure).


T2 Upgrades can only be bought after that Turret has been upgraded to T1.

  • Blaster T1 - More damage, able to destroy blue Tarrs in one hit - 250 NB
  • Blaster T2 - Even more damage and also splash damage, can destroy red Tarrs in one hit - 300 NB
  • Sniper T1 - Large damage and large range and accuracy, however slow fire rate - 250 NB
  • Sniper T2 - Can instakill a blue Tarr, can hit Tarrs from all away across the area, fire rate of a normal Turret - 350 NB
  • Mister T1 - Makes mist in a small area which does small damage but can hit all Tarrs in area - 200 NB
  • Mister T2 - Mists a large area, mist does more damage - 300 NB

Water Range[]

Fly over ponds and keep them full to help the Puddle Slimes survive!

Shooting Range[]

Shooting Range is a Minigame where you have to get points in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. You get points by shooting Grass Plorts at Tarrs and stuff like that. Here's a chart of all the Tarrs and stuff like that and How many points they give.


+5 Points


+10 Points


+25 Points

Blood Slime

+50 Points

Gold Tarr

+100 Points

The Arena[]

Obviously taking inspiration from the Kirby games, The Arena is where you rematch every boss in the game in a random order. Well, at least until the last three, Lord Goldarr, Gold Boss, and Apocalypse Slime. Yes, that is in order. You have to pick your weapon, varying from Plorts, to Food.

Dungeon Quest[]

Dungeon Quest is another mode where go through a dungeon, killing Tarrs, Tentcals, Ferals, and even Bosses. Only, these aren't the bosses you know. These are Revenge Bosses. These forms of boss are much stronger. Sometimes, you even get to face new bosses, such as:

The True Arena[]

Yeah. bet you expected this, didn't ya. Basically the same concept as The Arena, only with Bosses from Dungeon Quest and the True Arena Exclusive; Apocalypse Soul.

Gold rush![]

  • You have 6 hours (slime rancher time) to get as many newbucks as possible
  • Pink slimes, honey slimes, and rock slimes are all replaced with gold slimes
  • Every other slime is replaced with a lucky slime.
  • Lucky slimes now give you
  • -y+1200=1200(0.995^x)
  • If Y, when rounded up, is how many newbucks you get and X is a random number between 0 and 1415
  • Keys are now avaliable in a special section of the ranch, requiring 30 gold plorts to get one.
  • Gordos do not exist
  • Crates now give either
  • -y+1500=1500(0.997^x)
  • Newbucks, if y is the newbucks you get and x is a random number between 1 and 1460
  • or 25 gold plorts
  • All range exchanges are paid for with gold plorts. They will also unleash only gold and lucky slimes.
  • The achievement hat trick is not obtainable while playing this mode.

Random Q DLC alternate version.[]

This version is accessible when the Random Q DLC (regardless of which part of it) is installed:

  • You have 10 days to get as much newbucks AND a randomized certain type of slime as possible.
  • The game will notify you what your randomized slime is upon exiting the Ranch for the first time, and spawn 3 of it on the Ranch.
  • All slimes that are not the chosen randomized slime will be randomized into a different slime. Lucky Slimes will replace Tabby and Hunter slimes (but will instead have a 33% chance to replace them if it is chosen as the randomized slime.)
  • The obtainable money count from Lucky Slimes is greatly increased: One hit gives 400 newbucks, two hits gives 750 newbucks, and three hits gives 1600 newbucks.
  • Gold Slimes have greatly increased spawn rates, and will only start fleeing if hit with an object twice.
  • Most Gordos are removed but the Gordos that remain will take 2 to 16 of any food item to burst, will be replaced by Gold Gordos, and will give 3200 to 12800 newbucks upon being burst along with 10 crates and 25 gold slimes.
  • Tarrs will run after the player much faster but ignore slimes and deal less damage, and will randomly form every few hours in a random part of the map. Largos will also not eat other plorts to form Tarrs, so the only way that Tarrs will naturally generate is random spawning.
  • Every time the clock strikes 12:00, Gold Slimes will start raining from the sky for about 2 more hours and will always have a quantity of about 20 to 45 before stopping. Lucky Slimes will also rain from the sky for 3 more hours and with an approximate quantity of 30 to 70 before stopping.
  • All crates are random loot, with the exception being that they always drop 900 to 1750 newbucks, and only slimes that can drop are Gold/Lucky slimes.
  • Phosphor Slimes still only spawn at night but will not disappear during the day.
  • When a Gold Tarr is randomly generated and spawns, it will only spawn during late night hours (23:00 to 1:00) and will chase the player at the same speed normal Tarrs do in the gamemode. However, they do deal more damage and will actively try eating the randomized slime that is selected. The Mettaton NEO music will not play, however.
  • Slimes will ignore plorts 50% of the time which means largos will form more infrequently. However, they will still largo when a plort is shot directly at them.
  • All the other details in the main gamemode that don't conflict with the details here also take effect.

Mechanized Mode[]

More info can be found here: Mechanized Mode

  • Noble Plortmann, we adore him
  • Noble Plortmann, we adore him
  • Kingly lord of time and space!
  • Every day we wish him glory,
  • Every day we wish him glory,
  • Gazing on his noble face!
  • Master, crush the competition!
  • In your presence let us stay!
  • Yours is every rock and planet
  • Now and ever, night and day!
  • We implore you, dear Plortmann
  • We implore you, dear Plortmann
  • Bless our work and be at ease!
  • Pay and ergonomic seating,
  • Pay and ergonomic seating,
  • Give us favors such as these!
  • All we wish for you our lord is
  • That you never lead us wrong!
  • Rule us all, beloved Plortmann!
  • That we may all sing our song!

Explorer mode[]

In this mode you don't need to sleep and if you get knocked out, you appear at the area you were in. To complete the game, you must visit every area in slime rancher. You have an unlimited inventory, and when you suck a creature it goes inside. This is called 'discovering' it. If you discover everything, you can complete the game.

Creative Mode[]

Totally not named after Minecraft or anything. 

You can design your own habitat, with the slime creator and terrain editor! these are new tools added to your vacpac! You can spit out land and slurp up slime attributes to add to the slimes you create. You can fly for a unlimited amount of time.


You are on an island where Tarr Disease has taken over most of the slimes, and a natural disaster left the island bare. You have a safe location where you must raise slimes in order to weaponize them, train them to do other things, and even give slimes a safe place to reproduce and get the population back up! Your goal is to cure all the Tarr infected slimes and kill the actual Tarr, and repopulate the wild. A week after the last Tarr is killed or cured, the game ends, this gives you time to release slimes into the wild. Note that other natural disasters do not exist, as the Tarr is a big enough problem already. You start with all vacpack upgrades, and plorts are always at maximum price -because while you need it for restoring the wilderness, money is not the main focus of the game.

 Rescue Mode[]

You are the Society of Ranch Welfare, and your job is to rescue slimes that are not being well cared for, and also from ranches that have been abandoned because they have been destroyed by disasters or disease outbreaks. Each week, you will be subjected to a mission and teleported there. Ranch generation is random, but it generally contains either corrals full of slimes that are hungry (neglect), or an empty wasteland (abandoned). You need to get them all into the airship you have in order to consider it a rescue. After you do that, the next day, you have to make decisions of what to do with slimes. These decisions are based off current demand and suitability of the slime. You can either send them to a rancher who requests it, release them, or keep them on your very large ranch for whatever fixes they might need. You can also release or adopt out slimes that you kept at any time. The factors are: Is the slime healthy, or are they diseased, injured, or otherwise physically unwell? Is the slime afraid of people? Is the slime in question a parent or soon-to-be parent? Is the slime very young or old? Does the slime have a skill that is useful? These decisions will affect a slime's happiness.

Spooky Mode[]

You are a rancher, and this is a totally normal game... but something strange has been happening to your ranch. Machines malfunction, you keep receiving strange emails from a mysterious guy called "The Crate," and if the sky turns red on any night, then you are in imminent danger unless you are in your house, and while the monster itself never directly appears, evidence of a scary event appears the next day. You have to put a lot of work into maintaining your slimes' happiness, because as creepy things occur, slimes will take substantial hits to their happiness if you're not careful. This game runs on a plot-line, so there will be a section at the bottom of the main article that contains all of the spoilers.

Slimemon: Pokemon Slimes[]

You caught them in balls.

You battled with them.

You traded with them.

You explored with them.

They're slime's now?!?!

The Slimemon gamemode is a mode that, you guessed it, turns the world of Slime Rancher into the world of Pokemon! Each Slime in the normal game is given a slight change to liken it to it's Pokemon counterpart. More details can be found here!

Five Nights Mode[]


Beatrix has taken a job as a night rancher at Milo Mochi's. She just has to survive for the weekdays and then she gets her pay. But something is wrong with the slimes they keep here...


Power: Beatrix has to use the VacPack Milo Mochi gave her. It's very advanced, but is extremely inefficient. The VacPack has just enough power to last the night... If Beatrix plays her cards right.

Push Back: If the slimes get a little too close for comfort, Beatrix can use the push back function on the VacPack. This uses up 2 percent power per use.

Flashlight: Night on Milo Mochi's ranch is dark. Light up the night with the flashlight. This uses 2 percent power per 1 second it's on (WIP)

Snowy Patrol[]

Play as Snowy in Snowy Patrol! You don't actually patrol anything more like just hop around finding food and fighting tar. Oh and ranchers can appear and a d m i r e you.

 When Life Goes Right[]

Play as a character living in The Right World! It's basically a wrong version of The Sims but with slimes!

More info: When Life Goes Right

Slime Defense[]

Defend your slimes against the Tarr! Build and enhance tons of gadgets to stop them! (This is like Tarr Defense but better)

TD Slimes (By D0gemasteronScratch) (WIP)[]

Tarr are attacking the ranch! Place slimes to stop them!

Slime Types

Image Name Class Cost Attack Upgardes
Adult Pink Slime
Pink Slime Far Range 150 Newbucks Throws Pink Plorts at Tarr

1-10 Damage.

Camo Detection - Can see Camo Tarr

Upgraded Range - Increases range by 10%

Adult Rock Slime
Rock Slime Track 1-Use 50 Newbucks Rolls, killing or doing massive damage to Tarr. None
Adult Tabby Slime
Tabby Slime Close Range 150 Newbucks Spins, hitting it's tail on the Tarr for up to 20 damage! Can see Camo Tarr. Toxic Tails - Does damage to Tarr over time.

Shadow Detection - Turns Black, and kills any Tarr it toutches. 1-use only.

Racoon Slime SP
Raccoon Slime Track 250 Shield Recover - Heals.

more soon!

Ultimate Slime Night (WIP)[]

Totally not named after the Ultimate Custom Night or anything!

This mode plays like UCN.


Power: The night starts with 100 power. Looking through the cameras, closing doors, using the flashlight, and other such things, use power.

Cameras: This allows the player to see what is going on around the range. This is also needed to block some characters. (Flip up/down: S)

Flashlight: This allows you to see down hallways and see better using the cameras. (Turn on: Hold CTR.)

Fan: The fan keeps the office at a cool 60 degrees. The office will begin to cool down if the fan is on and if the temp. is 61 degrees or higher. (On/Off: Spacebar)

Temp.: If the office gets to 250 degrees, or -50 degrees, you lose. Turning the fan on or off could mean the getting a game over, or a 6 AM.

Time: The night starts at 8 PM. Get to 6 AM to win, blah blah blah, typical FNaF stuff.

Vent Radar: Finally! Something new! The vent radar is a feature that allows the player to see whats going on in the vents. (Flip down/up: Q)

Mask: Used to fool some foes. *does not work on all characters (Flip on/off: E)

Doors: Block foes out of the office. *does not work on all characters (Close/Open: A[Left Door] D [ Right Door])

Water Gun: Splashes foes with water. *only works on Tarr (Activate: Z) (1 min. cooldown)


The map of the location in USN



Pink Slime:[]

He begins on the Show Stage with Rock Slime and Tabby Slime. He will begin to move to either the left or right door. If he appears on the left, shut the door. If he appears on the right, shine the flashlight in his face.

Rock Slime:[]

He begins on the Show Stage with Pink Slime and Tabby Slime. He will move to a random camera. If he appears on Cam 01(Left Hallway) or Cam 02(Right Hallway), shut the correct door.

Tabby Slime:[]

He begins on the Show Stage with Pink Slime and Rock Slime. When Tabby Slime meows, he will appear at a Cam 01, Cam 02, or the hallway in front of you. If Tabby Slime shows up at Cam 01, shut the door. If Tabby Slime appears on Cam 02, don't close the cameras or switch camera until Tabby Slime goes away. If Tabby Slime appears in the hallway in front of you., put the mask on.


Ciasom Slime:[]

Look at Ciasom Slime on Cam 7(Parts and Service), to recharge Ciasom Slime. If Ciasom Slime runs out of sleep, Ciasom Slime will become grumpy, it will be on its way to get you! Once Ciasom Slime gets angry, you cannot calm Ciasom Slime, and their will be no way to save yourself.


Tarr will come from the hallway in front of you. Use your water gun to repel him, and you can shine you light on Tarr to make him stop for 50 sec. Tarr only attacks if he's in the hallway in front of you, and if the camera is up.

Rad Slime:[]

Stays in the office, and slowly begins to radiate more and more. Flashing him makes his radiation meter by 1, and splashing him with water completely empty radiation meter.

Honey Slime:[]

It starts in the Moss Blanket, and heads to Parts and Services. Flash him to get him back. If he makes it to Parts and Services, he stands there, and all entities that start in Parts and Services that are inactive, become active at 5 AI.

Boom Slime:[]

DO NOT LET IT BLOW UP. It says near the left door, flash it to calm it down. If it gets too fussy, it'll blow up and break the left door for the rest of the night, dooming you essentially.


Murder Monkey Current

POV: You say this running at you in a motel hallway. What do you do?

(The characters aren't from Slime Rancher, but they are here. So deal with it!)

Peashooter (Plants Vs Zombies):[]

5 peas will be fired on screen, each at a random speed and starting position. If your mouse collides with a pea, you lose.

Murder Monkey (Dark Deception)[]

It'll run towards you from either hallway or the hall infront of you. If it runs towards you though the left or right hall, close the door, and if runs through the hallway in front of you, you have about 1 second to turn off the light.

Multiplayer Mode[]

A Online Mode For 2+ Players. The Image Next Is Where The Players Start.

Image Info_______________________

Brown/Dark Red : Ranches

Blue : Slime Sea

Grey : Bridges To Map. Needs Key From Pink Gordo On Ranch To Unlock.

Yellow : Main Bridge. The Bridge That Ends At Dry Reef Enter.


Image Info End__________________________

(The Same As Slime Rancher,But Multiplayer.)

The Game Saves On Multiplayer List. With Same Players.

Gordo Hour Game Mode[]

The Gordo Hour game mode challenges you to burst as many gordos as possible in 60 in-game hours. All of the areas are unlocked. You can choose a Classic or Casual game mode to import a ranch from. You get bonuses in the imported game if you get more than 3/4 of the Gordos. Gordos that drop keys will drop Newbucks. The Newbucks also go into the imported game. Each Gordo only requires 25 (food that it eats). Static Teleporters work.

Create Your Own Far, Far Range![]


You control the Far, Far Range! You start when the planet was created and go on from there!

How To Play:[]

So you first get the atmosphere composition, water content, etc., then you set up all the other science-y stuff like Tectonic Plates and then you make your first slime, fruit, veggie and meat then the world goes from there! You can change things on the fly, though you are limited by other factors. Lets say there was nothing even remotely related to a carrot, you can't make carrots suddenly exist. Another example is you can't turn a meat eating slime into a frugivore if there's no fruit around. You also can't turn a puddle into a fire without the right environment. You also can't change an environment from a desert into the arctic without some catastrophe. What you can do though is cause a meteor to hit the planet or some volcanoes to erupt. You can also cause a small piece of land to separate from a larger landmass and float to another bringing new species. This game mode can be saved and exited.

Gameplay Modifiers (Created by FlowerButterfly)[]

Selecting this option makes it so you cannot choose Difficulties or Casual Mode. This basically allows you to change the difficulties and effects for all sorts of things. The full page is located at Gameplay Modifiers.
